Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I know you already heard many times that being student is hard and this post will only just whine more about the stressful life of a student because this blog post is made by a stressed-out BSIT 3rd year student - ME. 

Third year is the time of most bachelor degrees where students are flooded with demanding, time-consuming, soul-eating, sleep-repellant, dietetic, and stressful major subjects. And I am currently experiencing this dilemma. We were given so many things to do - BUT I can’t say we were given insufficient time. It’s just that we can’t really work on our tasks everyday because it’s the holiday season – it’s CHRISTMAS TIME for crying out loud.  We also need to celebrate with our families.

We were given the following tasks:

Software Engineering
·        System Design Description
·        System Test Plan
·        At least 20% of the system properly running

Technoprenuership 2
·        Initial drafts of all chapters of the business plan

Future Technology
·        Technology Proposal

Network Technology
·        Powerpoint Presentation for the Topic Sharing

·        Design a logo for our college
·        Study 166 videos for the exam

Project Management
·        Powerpoint Presentation for the Topic Sharing

Thinking only of the list of tasks to do already stresses me out. I already finished my logo and half of the SE tasks are almost done but the others are still to be worked. It is really hard especially some group tasks needs to be managed by one person and some of those are managed by me so I have to allot time to plan the flow on how we will finish the task and the proper dissemination of tasks to the others.  Another bad news is we are to return immediately in January 2. That means I (and my group mates) only have five days to finish the remaining work.

I know some of you might think, “So why did you even make this post if you were busy?” or “Stop whining and do your work!” Aside from being a student, I’m also a teenager who gets easily distracted with other things like facebook, 9gag, animes, mangas, and other things so I rather blog about this than browse 9gag or read some updates in facebook(This is also my chance of updating my blog :P ). But no worries, I have been in the same situation many times before and I have finished all my tasks. I know that this kind of pressure may come back when I work in the future so it’s better that as of now – as a student – I can calmly manage my time and work.

So that’s it, WISH ME LUCK! 

[NOTE: I'm doing this 3 in the morning so I wanna say sorry ahead of time for the unchecked typographical and grammatical errors.]

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


On the first day of December, the Davao Association of Animators and Designers organized a graphic design conference at the Abreeza Ayala Mall. The event was dubbed as GRAPHICON 2011. The event was addressed to graphics and motion design enthusiasts as well as to students who want to venture on this field. A group of respected individuals coming from Manila, Cebu and Davao was invited to be the speakers of the said event. We were educated in motion and graphics design, copyrights and many other topics in which every person during the event listened intently.

The first speaker was Sonny Leon, an instructor from PCCI. He discussed about how to find the right balance for your design. What strikes me the most during his presentation was I thought design was all about being creative but he explained that logic is also needed to design to form the right mixture. He also showed to us that even with simple tools (e.g. Microsoft Powerpoint) coupled with a creative mind can result to amazing results. Another speaker, Drei Boquiren, told us that we were our own piggy bank so we must invest in ourselves – there is nothing wrong on spending our money to satisfy our wants. Eric Su, founder of PicLyf.com, discussed to us what design is and where it is headed. His explanation of design changed my perspective on the matter. I learned from him the difference between art and design. Design is how it works while art is only focused with aesthetic value. Elaiza Cristine Magno also taught us that in real life, having a good job doesn’t mean having a good salary but doing what you want to do. But the speaker that inspired me the most was Seph Mayol, a Multimedia Designer, who has been working with clients abroad making microsites and animations. Aside from his very interesting topic what amazed us the most was his story on how he go to his position right now. We learned that with determination we can defy all odds and achieve our dreams.

I always has been fascinated with design specifically with graphics and motion design and web design but I knew that I was not that creative to make this things yet after I knew that design is not merely an aesthetic value it gave me a light that I may have a chance to pursue into becoming a designer. The whole convention was a success and hopefully it will be a yearly event this will not only help the design industry of the city but also to discover new prospects for the next generation of designers.

Photo Credits:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Neue Haas Grotesk (Helvetica)


I have been using computers since I was in elementary and during that time whenever we have an essay to pass or a project where we have to do magazine cutouts or print words to paste on our scrapbooks, we always make sure that we attract the viewers starting by the fonts to be used. Since before I knew that proper font selection is essential in order to add aesthetic value on the words where we often use decorative fonts. Before I never distinguish any major differences between a serif and non-serif fonts and when we had our typography lesson during our multimedia class, the discussion didn’t changed my perspective on dealing with non-decorative fonts. But everything changed after our instructor made us watch the documentary film, HELVETICA.

The documentary film was about typography and graphic design centered on the typeface which is also the title of the movie, where its first name was Neue Haas Grotesk. The film was able to change my point of view in dealing with typefaces. The film was able to express that typefaces did not only contain mere strokes or weight neither that it can’t only form a letter or express a word but it actually contains a story where Helvetica was, if I may say, the prime mover of the typography industry during the age of modernism. The director was able to collect information from credible people like Massimo Vignelli , Rick Poynor and other world-renowned typographers where it intensified how promising and great was the impact of the said typeface during the 1950s.                         

The director was also brave enough to include in the documentary film the decline of Helvetica. Its popularity became its own disadvantage – it became dull and boring. The film was able to shift from uniformity of modernism to the “free” post-modernism where typefaces with no sense of uniformity and was hard to read that was made by typographers who thought that it was their time to make something unique. The clash between the modernism people with the post-modernism young people was also shown during the final quarter of the movie. But, as we may alls observed, Helvetica still is one of the kings of typefaces in print, logo, graphic or motion design. I recommend people who have interest to be future designer especially in the typography field to watch the movie to have a clear view on how to deal with typefaces in various conditions and projects.

Photo Credits:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We will be having our 3D Animation project for our Multimedia Course. Our teacher advised us to use a proprietary software, Autodesk Maya. Obviously, the 30-day trial is not enough for beginners like us to make a short movie. Unfortunately, we don't have the financial capacity to buy the said software so I thought we only have one option -  pirate the software. BUT luckily, as I was browsing for the installer of the software, I came up to a blog of an unknown instructor giving instructions how to activate a 6-month student trial version for Autodesk Maya 2010(actually the trial can be used for any Autodesk softwares). Six months is more than enough for us to finish our project.

To make things easier I made my own version on how to activate a 6-month trial version for Autodesk Maya 2010 by acquiring a serial code and product key for students.

[Note: I only pointed out the important steps. There are actually other "type you information here" or "press here" step but I decided not to include it]

2. You must be registered in order to have your student serial number and product key. Press the "Register" link on the top-right corner of the website and fill-up the forms.[DON'T FORGET TO CHOOSE "STUDENT" ON THE COMBO BOX ASKING "I am a"]

3. Confirm your registration in your email

4. After that, Go to the Autodesk Download Center and choose Autodesk Maya 2010

5. You will be given a Serial Code and Product Key for you to enter during the installation of the software

6. Go to Autodesk and enter your username and password

7. Enter your serial number and press "Next".

8. Leave your browser for a while. As you finish installing the software, on the first run you will be requested to activate your product. Copy your request code

9. Paste your request code on the web page.

 10. Copy your Activation Code

 11. Leave your browser again and go back to the product registration. Choose "Enter an activation code" and paste your activation code on the textbox


Thursday, November 24, 2011


Me and my classmates are currently on the second floor of the Eng'g Building. We waited for our teacher for our Network Technology Laboratory when the secretary of our dean said that he is currently in a meeting so we took our free time to plan for our Year-End Outing. :)

After minutes of deliberation, the planned date is this upcoming December 19 and 20 at the Fernandez Beach Resort.


Monday, October 17, 2011

ICEAN Congress 2011 w/ DevCon

The Field Trip and Seminars Class of the academic year decided to co-organize the yearly ICEAN Congress rather than having an Interpersonal Skills Seminar this is due to we lack in number. The event is organized by the FTS Class, Society of information Technology Students, Computer Science Society, and Developers Connect. The vent was held at the University Social Hall last September 7.The allotted attendance time is 30 minutes at the start of 8:00 AM. It was followed by the Opening Remarks of Mr. Ronnie Kris, President of CSS.
After that was the recognition which was awarded by the Dean of the Institute of computing – Engr. Val Quimno, I was fortunate to be one of the students who was awarded with the Academic Excellence Award. But actually I already knew that I was in, in fact I already knew the names students who will be given awards because I was the one who was in-charged with the recognition. I was glad to see the smiling faces of the students who got awards especially that they did not know that there was going to be a recognition program.

What I learned?
After that, the compulsory public defense of the fourth year BSCS started. I was amazed with their theses. Most of them were using Digital Image Processing as an aid for their thesis.
After lunch, we have another attendance for the afternoon session. The program was started with the introduction of DevCon by its Vice-President. Then the lightning talk was started, it is when speakers are given only limited time to deliver their topics. Some of the topics that were delivered were PHP, Drupal, Web Development using Wordpress by Eugene Maning, Open Street Maps, IP Recon by Rexes P. Villa, Plone CMS, and a usepian student, Irwin Rod Adesna with the topic Sex of Ideas.

What I liked?
Afterwards, I had a chance to participate the Birds of A Feather, it is a debate about IT Topics, the motion was which operating system is better: Windows? Limux-Kernel OS? Or Mac? I belonged to the linux team. But unfortunately we loss to the windows team but that was okay the experience, itself, was already an award.

What I disliked?
            Other students were very noisy especially during the thesis defense mostly first years and second years. I think they don’t feel yet  the importance of the defense that is why they didn’t listen well. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011


University of Southeastern Philippines
Barrio Obrero Campus
Institute of Computing

Sept. 20 – 24, 2011

Field Trip Overview

            As BS Information Technology and BS Computer Science students, we are educated in order, in the near future; we will aid to hasten the development of technology. With that said, we should be exposed with the current and emerging technologies to have an insight to what is the world giving us, what do we have to develop more, what does the world needs, and other things but, unfortunately, the university does not have enough facilities to cater our needs and the region is behind in terms of technological development. But the academe made an effort to solve this problem, on our current curriculum that was started four years ago, a subject called “Field Trip and Seminars” was added along with other subjects. This subject gives the students the opportunity to be exposed to what the university can’t give.  

            We have heard a lot of amazing feedbacks from our higher years from what they had experienced during their major field trip in Manila-Laguna-Tagaytay. This added to our excitement. They always say that we must spend well our time in Manila to use well our spent money. Unfortunately, due to the new university policy, some of my classmates were not allowed to take the said subject for they are still 2nd-year standing. We were really saddened with the news but we had no other choice but to accept it.  After enrollment, we learned that only 20 students were enrolled in the subject and our instructor is Dr. Randy S. Gamboa. We had a series of meetings to discuss where and when will be our fieldtrip as well as how much will we spend. We conducted a survey to our parents to discuss which set are we going to take. Majority of us chose Set A which is 1 Major Field Trip, 1 National Seminar, 1 Minor Field Trip and an Interpersonal Skill Seminar. Because we were only composed of a 20 students where some already had their Interpersonal Skill Seminar last semester so they are not required to attend this year’s seminar, we decided rather than having an Interpersonal Skill Seminar, we will just co-organize the yearly ICEAN Congress along with SITS and CSS. Unfortunately, our minor field trip did not turned out well. Our class president and the Office of the Mayor of Davao City had a miscommunication which led for our minor field trip to be discontinued.

            Last September 20, we went to Manila for our 5-day major fieldtrip to visit different companies to teach us what technology they are using. We were astonished and happy with what we saw and learned. We did not expect that the Philippines have obtained such technologies thus we have acquired a new perspective on the IT industry of our country. We had a traveling agency to help us which is the Maynilad Tours the same company that the first batch of Field Trip and Seminars class took. We paid a total of P16 500 for our major field trip.


            Our flight going to Manila was scheduled around 6:30 in the morning and as a protocol we have to be in the airport two hours early so I have to wake up earlier than the others because I was still going to travel from my hometown to the airport that takes about 30 minutes and I had a big problem because there was flood in our subdivision where I have to walk through it from our house to the street carrying my luggage, what an unlucky start of the day. Anyway, when I arrived in the airport there were still only 11 students. Majority of us were first timers to ride an airplane including me so everyone was excited but it was not my first time to go to Manila, I already went there before but I was still a kid so I can’t really remember the time when I was there. WE decided to check-in by ourselves rather than having a group check-in because Dr. Gamboa said that it would be another experience if we were the one who will talk to the front desk. We waited around an hour in the terminal so me and my friends decided to roam around the floor. Just my opinion, I was a bit disappointed with the airport I thought it would be more stunning but at least they have a tight security. During the flight, we were busy taking pictures of each other but there is still an awkward aura between those who were not classmates before. We were on board around 6:16 and I have the chance to have a window seat so I had a great time watching the top view of Davao City when we departed.  When we were about to arrive, I saw the top view of the capital of the Philippines, there were hundreds of buildings, unlike Davao where you can still see trees, all you can see is buildings and highways. When we arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport the pilot told us that we were 19 minutes ahead of time.

            When we went out the airport we were greeted with smiling faces by the Maynilad Tours representatives, Maam Mheanne Flores and Kuya Byrone We had our breakfast on rode because we have to catch up with our time to go to our first company visit. As far as I can remember we had chicken and rice with pancakes, we were very full after the heavy meal. During travel, Kuya Byrone would share to us the history of Manila and its buildings, streets, and others. He is really smart to memorize all of those things, well; I think it also takes years of practice.

Today, I went on a company visit to
Our first company visit which was at the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company or popularly known as PLDT at Mandaluyong. We visited their INNOLAB. It is the Innovation Laboratory and Telecommunications Education Center of PLDT. We were guided by Ma’am Anita Ferrer, the company’s representative whenever there are students who visit their company.

What I learned?
Before we started the tour, Ma’am Ferrer first discussed the history of PLDT through their Memorabilia section. Their history is quite really inspiring, how they stand up from their destruction and evolve to be one of the biggest companies in the country.  There is no need to discuss the details of their history so I will just summarize it through their headings: 1928 – 1938 (AGE OF BIRTH), 1939 – 1948 (AGE OF DESTRUCTION), 1949 – 1958 (AGE OF HOPE), 1959 – 1968 (AGE OF CHANGE), 1969 – 1978 (AGE OF CONTROL), 1979 – 1988 (AGE OF REVOLUTION), 1980 – 1998 (AGE OF GATE KEEPER), 1999 – 2008 (AGE OF TRANSFORMATION), and 1909 – Beyond (AGE OF FAST FORWARD).

Our next activity was an IT Lecture that was given to us by Engr. Edmund Mamboyo from Technical Training. His presentation is entitled “PLDT Business Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”. He discussed to us Data Networking and how important CISCO Networking Academic Program for students who wants to venture to the networking field. In the “Yesterday” slide, PLDT before was at its most basic form, a Public Switch Telephone Network. It was very tiring manual switching of lines where errors were just normal. In the “Today slide”, PLDT evolve to become a Fixed Business in DataCom, internet,and VoIP (Voice over IP). In the “Tomorrow” slide, they will have the NGN or the Next Generation Network. He discussed to us the introduction of telecommunications where “tele” means distant and communications mean exchange of info. We learned the early forms to telecommunications and its’ types. He also discuss the basic elements of communication where we already learned that during our English 1. Engr. Mamboyo was bombarded with questions with students which he politely answered it all. However, he lacked in time that is why he did not finish his presentation but he cordially gave his contact information to us if ever we have more questions.

Next we went to their breath-taking Business Solutions Center; it is where they try out new technologies developed by other people in partnership of course with PLDT. They have this technology where you can control your appliances remotely via internet, and a device that measures rain then send its data wirelessly to a computer to be analyzed. Another fun part was we had the chance to sit in their amazing conference room, where at a moment we felt like we were bosses. Our tour guide also showed us their enormous war room. If I’m not mistaken there were about 12 projected screens on one wall and people are analyzing the current news and trends that can affect the company.

What I like?
I liked everything about the PLDT. Especially their Business Solutions part of the tour.

What I dislike?
I think the only disappointment was they did not let us bring our cameras to take a pictures but I think it was for security and confidentiality issues so we had no other choice.

Next, we went on a company visit to
As we were on the path going to SPI Servisoft at Parañaque City, we had our lunch on the road – again. SPI is worldwide Filipino-made business processing company.

What I learned?
We were welcomed by a human resource representative who discussed to us what is SPI and what service do they offer. They give Solutions to companies, made by skilled and experience People, and systems that are adaptive to Innovations. After that we had our IT Talk with Mr. Joselito de Luna a Network Engineer he discussed to us the basics of networking: LAN and WAN, Configurations, VPN tunnel and others. Next was Mr. Justine a representative from IT Service Desk. He explained to us how service request are managed. If the severity of one issue can give Production Outage then it must be dealt quickly within 15 minutes. If it can give Production Impairment, it must be solve within 30 minutes. But if it can produce Non-Production Impairment issues den they can just solve in 3 hours or they can also let it pass until tomorrow jokingly said by Mr. Justine. We also learned the Standard incident Escalator: 1. Indentification and Logging; 2.) Categorizing, 3.) Prioritizing, 4.) Initial Diagnosis, 5.) Outage Assignement and 6.) Notification.

What I liked?
Lastly, we had a tour on their IT Floor were leaders of each group explained what they do and what thing they need that the get from other group and what things they give to other groups. It was actually a remarkable view seeing large groups working together to develop both software engineering and content solutions.

What I disliked?
            The IT Floor Group Leaders were not prepared on our arrival but still they managed to explain their respective part of work well.

After taking a leisurely walk inside Mall of Asia and a long tiring day, we arrived in our hotel, Kabayan Hotel, and we checked in. it was really a nice hotel. Our tour guide always compliments the hotel that it was built in a strategic place because it was built under the intersection of MRT and LRT and the Mall of Asia is just one short ride away. Everyone liked their rooms. After taking our dinner, we roamed around Baclaran until we reach the famous Baclaran Church. We went back to the hotel around 10:30 pm.


Today, we visited
            All of us woke up early because the tour guide told us to in order to prevent traffic and our destination, the University of the Philippines Diliman Campus, is quite far. We had our delicious breakfast at the hotel. Everyone was eager to visit the number one university in the Philippines. We were all in the bus before the departure time so our tour guide was happy to depart the hotel ahead of time. We chose to go to UP Diliman because the yearly event, Philippinr Youth Congress for Information Technology or Y4IT was being held there. It is a national gathering of IT students and practitioners to disseminate innovations and current researches in the field of IT, while discussing solutions to upgrade the country’s state of technology.where speakers from all around the world were invited to share their knowledge. The event was simultaneously held at four separate buildings. We decided to go first to UP Theatre.   When we enter the said building, we were amazed on how big the theater was. It took a long time before the event started so some of my classmates took a quick nap. When the hosts finally arrive, they made their roll calls not by schools but by regions, this simply proves that the event is nationwide. Only a few cheered for Region XI, I think we were the only ones from region and the others were just having fun cheering for every region.

            The Opening Remarks was given by the Philippine Society of information Technology Educators President and a USeP Professor, no other than – Dr. Randy S. Gamboa. We were proud to see our teacher deliver his speech in front of hundreds of people. He said that may this event be a way to make new friends and he thanked the sponsors for making the event possible and successful. A keynote Talk was delivered by an actor and senator, Hon. Vicente Sotto III. It was really funny when people were shouting “Pinoy henyo!… Pinoy henyo!…” then he just answered, “Mamaya pa yun..” and everyone laughed. In his speech he discussed the possible rebirth of Department of Information and Communication Technology of the Philippines. And he also gave his observations that led him to say that IT changed the world. He also said that the Filipino youth must not lose their values along the technological development of the country.

What I learned?
            The first talk was about Windows Phone 7. It was not really our first time to encounter such topic because it was discussed to us before during last years’ Developers Connect in our school. The only difference was the talk in UP included minor programming tutorials. Next talk was about Game Development in Cloud Computing, this was the reason why we went to the UP Theatre first. The talk includes the current technology that is used by the Gaming Industry whether players now can have Asymmetric Games, where multiplayer games can now let players play not simultaneously at one game. Another was Augmented Reality Game where players can feel more like they are in the game using different tools and gadgets.

            We had our lunch inside the bus because our professor said that it will be impractical if we will eat outside the campus because we might miss the first batch of afternoon topics. After resting a bit in the bus, we decided to go to a different venue thus we land at the UP Film Center. When we arrived the first talk already started. Ms. Christy Tsang talked about Linux Certification with a presentation entitled “Plan your Future. Stay Ahead of the Game. Get certified”. She said that the Philippines, as the 3rd largest economy in Southeast Asia, has great potential to excel in the IT industry. Their goal is to build and maintain a professional skill standard that is supported and applied throughout the world through Linux Professional Institute, a global certification organization for Linux Professionals. It is a member of the IT Certification Council (ITCC) where some of their members include Microsoft and Oracle. Out of 300, 000 exams that were take only 10,000 passed and now are certification holders.  The next speaker was Mr. Yong-Cheol Byun and his topic is SMART Life and SMART Applications. At first, I thought he was an affiliate of the Smart Communications but I was wrong. He talked about Smartphones and Smart Devices and what are their usages. He discussed how SMART Applications can be beneficial in one’s life by making himself an example. He uses applications like Sleep Cycle App, Dolphine App, Soung Hound, Awesome Note, Drop Box and many more in a day-to-day basis. His talk was about how people can live well by simply downloading applications to their smartphones to do almost everything. After that, Dr. Rafael Saldaña of Ateneo de Naga delivered his talk about Competitive Computing. It is an elective subject in their school that is centered on the development of strategies, techniques and skills used in competitive contests. It really took my attention when Dr. Saldaña said the description of the topic. I was amazed how their school is putting great effort for their students to be competitive in contests to the point that they made a subject especially for it. Their school has been entering the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, an annual multi-tiered computer programming competition among the universities of the world. The contest is sponsored by IBM. Their school had a chance in to be the representatives of the Philippines for the asia autonomous region and last year’s winner contest for who will represent the country is from University of the Philippines.

What I liked?
After listening to three straight talks, we decided to transfer to UP Bahay ng Alumni, where stalls of different companies are lined up to showcase their products and services. I also bought an “Insert Your Code Here” T-Shirt there. We then went to the UP Oblation by riding the popular UP Ikot Jeep; then we went back to the UP Theatre to get our certificates. We then went to the COOP to buy some UP items. I only bought cell phone strap because the other items were very expensive.

What I disliked?
            We did not have a chance to visit their laboratories unlike the previous batch.

 After another leisurely walk at another mall, we went back to our hotel and have our dinner.


Today, I went on a company visit to
            On our third day in Manila, we visited Fluor Daniel Incorporatin in Alabang. It is one of the world's largest, publicly owned engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance services companies. 

What I learned?
We were welcomed by Ms. Marren a representative from their Human Resource Department. We went through to their conference room on the third floor of the building. While waiting for the speakers, Ms. Marren gave us tips on how to make an excellent resume. You should first have put your basic information: name, address, cell phone and landline numbers and email account; then you put your achievements; then your competency and skills; your researches; and after all of that you will put your educational background and personal information. This way the Human Resource representative that will look on your resume can go straight and see what you have already done and not hire you based on your school. And you must never forget to have a proper haircut. The first talk was about Safety specifically when you are trapped in an elevator. They made this talk first to prepare us if there were problems during our stay in their company. First, you must stay calm and help your companions to stay calm too; Second, check if the elevator moves if you press the buttons, if not; Third, call the persons concerned using the emergency phone in the elevator and wait until help comes. The next topic was about Value Creation in a good team. It is composed of six values namely: Purpose, Process, Communication, Involvement, Commitment, and Trust.

            The next talk was about the overview of the company. They have received multiple recognitions around the world and they say that they are the best at what they do. The next talk was from Mr. Angelo Cagaton, IT Service Manager. He explained the technological development of the company over the years. Before they were using concrete models to build plants and other things which is quite tiring where as today that they are using software like PDS and AutoCAD to develop their simulated view of the project. He explains that he considers IT as a living organism. He explained to us the process from acquiring request to the final system product. It was quite detailed so I can’t remember bits of the process. He also claims that the future of IT is the Cloud Computing, the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility over a network.

What I liked?
            After the heavy and delicious snack that they gave to us, we had our company tour, we were divided into two groups, our group went first to their IT floor where you can see people working hard but they still gave time to say hello to us. Next, we went to their data center where the security measure is at high priority. You can only enter by having swiping your ID and by biometric recognition. They explained to us the usages of different networking components like the blade servers, virtual servers, EMCs, high-end routers and switches, cables and they are still using tapes for archiving. In the room you can see fiber optic cables linked to the US and other parts of the country. Our visit there was amazing. Almost everyone said, after the tour, that they wanted to work there!

What I disliked?
            There is nothing to dislike in Fluor Daniel. They warmly welcomed us to their company. And they were very accommodating.

We had our lunch – not on bored. Yipey! We went to a nearby mall which is the Fiesta Mall and they gave us P200 each as our food allowance.

Next, I visited
            Our next stop was in DOST – Science Technology Information Institue in Bicutan. I was really excited to go there because I was hoping that they could tell us the contributions of Filipinos especially students to the technological development of not only in our country but in the whole world.

What I learned?
We ended up having an IPv4 vs IPv6 talk with Mr. Muleta, an IT specialist of DOST. It was really a big disappointed on my part but I have no choice but to listen. He also discussed their systems like the SCINET and ELIB that they personally developed and the Starbook a kiosk for made especially for schools. After that we went to their museum to see the line-ups of Filipino Inventors.

What I disliked?
            The talk was very short. And as I wrote above, It did not met my expectations.


Today, I went to a company visit to
            On our fourth day, the people were feeling a little bit sad because it was the second to the last day that we will stay in Manila. We arrived at the Social Security System at East Avenue, Quezon City around 8:30 am.

What I learned?
Ms. De Quiros explained to us the features of SSS which are:

1.      Compulsory Coverage
a.       Employee who are not over yet 60 years old
b.      Self-Employed and
c.       Voluntary Coverage
2.      Shared Contribution between Employer and Employee
a.       The duties and responsibilities of every person is to secure a SSS number and ensure that their deduction does straight to SSS.
3.      Pooled funds for member’s benefits
4.      Earnings related benefits and
5.      Inter-generational for cross-subsidiary

They have two programs which are Social Security and Employee’s Compensation. And their plans are to enhance financial and benefits stability and improve the delivery of service. After that we were introduced to Ms. Malto, a representative from their IT Department. She discussed to us the evolution of the networking of the SSS over the years that contributed to the development of the services rendered by the company to the public. In 1983 - 1986, they started their outsourcing process; in 1986 - 1992, they started using the Oracle RDBMS, in 1992 - 1996, SSS went to full computerization; during 1997 - 2003, the begun web implementation and text SSS implementation and during 2003 - 2009, decommissioning of SSS revenues and their recovery system and at present, SSS also added some features in their web implementation and text SSS implementation, the MYSS, SSS connect, SSS query and the Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS). SSS has 132 local branches and 14 foreign branches. They told us that if ever we want to work in SSS we should first pass the certification exam from the National Computing Institute located in UP Diliman.

What I liked?
We were escorted to a building where transactions are being done like loans, payments, and the SSS Card System. It was a centralized building for all SSS transactions which included a computer where you can check how your profile in SSS. For example, you can check your balance from your previous loan and other things. In the SSS Card System they told us that they acquired a third party to do the job because it would be cumbersome for them to personally produce the IDs.

What I dislike?
            Their talk was very short and boring. They should have made a way to get the attention of the audience by having some eye-catching presentations

Next, I went on a company visit to
            After lunch, we went to Exist Global at Ortigas Center, the last company visit! The center itself was very amazing tall buildings gathered in one area. Anyway, we first learned what the company was all about. Exist Global is a global software development and technology services company that specializes in developing enterprise software, interactive web applications, and technology software solutions. They have been doing these jobs since 2011.

What I learned?
Jools Briones discussed about Building a Career in the ICT Industry. Included on the discussion were the possible career opportunities that we can enter like network systems, information support and services, programming and software development and interactive media.  She also discussed to us the Exist Code Camp it is where they train chosen people, people who passed their test, on specific topics like Ruby on Rails for about six weeks. And the people who will teach are the ones working in the company. Next we had a discussion about Open Source. He discussed to us what we can gain in using Open Source: Motivation, Freedom, Knowledge, and Free Work. And in order to help we open source community by contributing, or give some modifications, or to create new open source software. He gave us a tip before he ended his presentation: It is not important what you know instead the drive to know.

What I liked?
            I liked how they included in their talk on how not to be intimidated by the people around us but rather use it to move forward and exel.

What I disliked?
            Their talk was again too short. It was like they were not prepared for us.

We ended up early in Exist Global and our bus was caught up in traffic so we took the time to have picture taking in Ortigas Center. After that, we went to Divisoria! We waited three days to come here because of the low prices of items. And we were not dismayed, they did have a big selection of low-priced items. I bought a head phone and a bag. I also bought T-Shirts for my siblings and me and my classmates decided to buy pasalubong for our classmates.            We took our dinner at the hotel and after that we packed our luggages.


            The last day of our field trip. You can see the sadness of the faces of our classmates. But rather than being gloomed by the idea, we just enjoyed ourselves on our free day! First we went to Luneta Park, The burial site of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, which is just in front of the Quirino Grandstand where the President takes their oath of office. We walked around the park and we had a chance to ride a kalesa that roamed us around the park. We took a lot of pictures from the monument to the horses in the park. After that we visited the National Museum, we were really amazed with the things we saw there were old pots and jars, figures and others that were excavated from the different parts of the country. Also they had artifacts of the tools used by primitive people before. They also have preserved insects and animals lined up in one room. We were really amazed of what we saw. We did not expect that the Philippines had preserved such artifiacts.

            After that, we requested to go back to Divisoria to buy some additional pasalubong. I bought sandals for my mother and older sister and flip-flops for my father. My friends also bought items for their families. We went to the airport two hours ahead of time. When we got there we were really hungry. The prices of their products were outrageously expensive. But we were really hungry and we still have an hour flight so we bought siopaos. While waiting we killed the time again by taking some pictures and the awkward aura of each other vanished away during the trip. We did not only gained new knowledge and experience but also new friends.

            We arrived in Davao around 7 pm, I think. And we bid ourselves good bye to each other as we go straight t our homes. I hope I can still have the opportunity to go back there with my friends and just take the time of our lives.