Monday, October 17, 2011

ICEAN Congress 2011 w/ DevCon

The Field Trip and Seminars Class of the academic year decided to co-organize the yearly ICEAN Congress rather than having an Interpersonal Skills Seminar this is due to we lack in number. The event is organized by the FTS Class, Society of information Technology Students, Computer Science Society, and Developers Connect. The vent was held at the University Social Hall last September 7.The allotted attendance time is 30 minutes at the start of 8:00 AM. It was followed by the Opening Remarks of Mr. Ronnie Kris, President of CSS.
After that was the recognition which was awarded by the Dean of the Institute of computing – Engr. Val Quimno, I was fortunate to be one of the students who was awarded with the Academic Excellence Award. But actually I already knew that I was in, in fact I already knew the names students who will be given awards because I was the one who was in-charged with the recognition. I was glad to see the smiling faces of the students who got awards especially that they did not know that there was going to be a recognition program.

What I learned?
After that, the compulsory public defense of the fourth year BSCS started. I was amazed with their theses. Most of them were using Digital Image Processing as an aid for their thesis.
After lunch, we have another attendance for the afternoon session. The program was started with the introduction of DevCon by its Vice-President. Then the lightning talk was started, it is when speakers are given only limited time to deliver their topics. Some of the topics that were delivered were PHP, Drupal, Web Development using Wordpress by Eugene Maning, Open Street Maps, IP Recon by Rexes P. Villa, Plone CMS, and a usepian student, Irwin Rod Adesna with the topic Sex of Ideas.

What I liked?
Afterwards, I had a chance to participate the Birds of A Feather, it is a debate about IT Topics, the motion was which operating system is better: Windows? Limux-Kernel OS? Or Mac? I belonged to the linux team. But unfortunately we loss to the windows team but that was okay the experience, itself, was already an award.

What I disliked?
            Other students were very noisy especially during the thesis defense mostly first years and second years. I think they don’t feel yet  the importance of the defense that is why they didn’t listen well. 

1 comment:

  1. hey! second years listened especially BSCS. we're also interested. (defensive? LoLs)
