Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do I need to be a person because I am rational? Or Do I need to be rational because I am a person?

             In our day to day life, we encounter many instances that we have to make a choice. And in order to justify that choice we have to supply a reason. It is now on the view of the person to determine whether his or her reason is valid enough to justify and support his or her view on what is the right choice.

            Before, I chose to go with what I wanted: played games, slept all day, not doing my house chores, not studying and many more. I had a reason for doing that - and that is because I wanted it to. Well, I had a reason for my choice of slacking around but the question is – was my reason valid? Was my choice the right one to do? My actions resulted to having bad grades, being scolded by my parents and having social discrimination due to my misbehavior.

            Being a person has not only the aspect of rationality it also has the aspect of morality and freedom which leads to responsibility.  Therefore, the power of reason was already within me since I was born, I just needed to become a person in order to fully utilize my gift of rationality. It is wrong to say, “I need to be rational because I am a person” because being rational is already contained in me – it is also what we call human nature and for that reason I just needed to do something to fully use my gift and that is by becoming a person.

            Now, that I know that I need to be a person because I am rational I can integrate my power of reason upon my being as a person in order to make the right choices in my life which are: study hard to get good grades, help with the house chores and many more.

*LOL, I have a low grade on this one.. XD

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