Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How am I to live my life as a college student?

            In my elementary and high school years, I was enrolled in a private sectarian school but unfortunately I was not one of those gifted children who has the “burning” passion for learning but rather I was one of those who just go to school just to meet friends, to have allowance, to get out of house chores, did not mind to study for quizzes and exams and being satisfied of getting a score of at least 75. That was pretty much how I handled my early years of study. But all things changed when a simple idea got into my mind before I entered my third year in high school: “Magstudy og magpahonor kaya ko…?(What if I’ll study and be a honor student ?...)”. It was a simple idea that changed the course of my life. I started to become an honor student and I was happy with it not only for the high grades and praises from my classmates and teachers but most especially the thought that my family was proud of me. Even though my parents don’t tell it to me directly I know that they are depending on me on uplifting our family because although I’m their third child; my eldest sister already has a family and my other sister has problems of her own, we have a big financial problem in our family.

            Questions were floating in my head: Am I going to let my family down? Am I going to let my family suffer like this? Am I going my future family go through problems like this? Am I going to let obstacles stop me from attaining my dreams? The answer is NO. Now, only one question remains: What am I going to do?
            I know that big journeys starts with a single step so as a college student, I’m going to live my life dedicating my studies to my family and to my dream to be successful. I’ll study hard, pray everyday and become a responsible student. I know that some people might say, “Is that all you’re going to do?” But if you’ll just analyze and internalize what I wrote on how I will live my life as a college student you’ll realize that these things are the things that we commonly hear from other students, very easy to say but very difficult to do and maintain. But unlike others, I’m going to finish it.

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