Thursday, December 2, 2010


It is not to be disregarded that technology has a great influence on any kind of person nowadays. Professionals, for example, rely on fast innovating technology in order to run their businesses or to do their respective jobs efficiently thus making life easier. But not all the time they will be in their offices. For this reason, technology provided them with what we call handheld computers. From the name itself, handheld computers are computers which are portable or can be carried by hand. Some examples of handheld computers are iPod, cellphone, iPhone, PDA and pager.

Hereunder are some usages I theorized for two professionals that I selected.

A delivery person for a courier service

            I know you already know some businesses that provide courier services in the Philippines some of which are LBC, 2GO, and JRS. Their goal is to deliver packages depending on what kind of service you availed from one place to another. One of the services that you may avail is the door-to-door courier delivery service which the protagonists are the delivery persons. Common problem among these actors of the scene are the addresses of the letters or packages they need to deliver for the fact that some of them are elusive. This is the time where handheld computers come in handy. Expectedly, the handheld computer should have a GPS on it where with proper application you can view where you are and where your destination is. Moreover, it can also show to the delivery person the shortest path from where he is to where the package or letter will be delivered with consideration to traffic and other blockages thus making the delivery faster and safer. 


            We all know that being a manager requires great responsibility especially if you are running a big supermarket. There are many aspects that should be given importance like the prices, expiration dates, and number of products depending on the demand-supply rate, the required workforce, financial statements, and security. All of these should be closely monitored by the manager in order to be called a good administrator of the business. This is where technology comes in again. Handheld computers, with proper software, can facilitate these entire jobs making the life of the manager easier.

            With access to the database of the supermarket, the manager, wherever he may be, can use a handheld computer to keep an eye on the available stocks with each product rather than going to a bulk of files to see each available stock of a particular product which takes time and effort. Furthermore, he can also check and sort the products according to the details like expiration date, price, weight, manufacturer, and the like. Moreover, to be an excellent manager you must know your employees. Not only their names but how good they are in work to scrutinize who deserves a promotion and who deserves a demotion. You can check this by checking the attendance and performance rate of each employee that can be also provided by your handheld computer, with proper application and resources of course, anywhere you like. In addition, you can also supervise or review the transactions that have been made. Last but not the least the chance to check the supermarket by getting access to the security cameras using the handheld computer which is currently being used in some businesses in Japan.

Basically, with our current technology now you can do office works in a cafĂ© or in your house or wherever you want. 

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