Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Some "FIRST"s in this semester....

We had our first activity in our Arts class and our first chapter test in our Database 1 class but before that let me tell you what happened to me during the start of the day... :))

I decided to set my alarm 1:30 am to study for our quizzes in CSO(but we found out that it was only a false alarm) and in DB 1. I set it up early because I attended my aunt's birthday party yesterday so i didn't have time to study. Expectedly, my alarm rang at exactly 1:30 am(obviously...) but I was too sleepy to study or even stand so I pressed the snooze button. I repeated that every time my alarm rang without minding what time it is. After I heard my younger brother getting fixed to go to school, I immediately woke up and when I checked my alarm, it was already 6:30 am!! I said to myself "Whoa!... I snoozed my alarm from 1:30 am to 6:30 am. That's the FIRST."  So I started getting ready to go to school even though our first class for today was scheduled 10:00 am I have to get ready because I still have a 1-hour ride to go to school.

I arrived early so I grabbed the chance to study. After a few minutes, we had our FIRST activity of our Arts class and It was to draw a symbol to represent the first year commemoration of the Maguindanao Massacre. It was a difficult task for me because I am not good in drawing. But I have no choice. I still have to pass something. I drew a hand going out from the soil reaching for the word "JUSTICE". I made it simple. I only used black coloring pencil and black pastel to color it. And that was basically it!

After Arts class was our CSO class, but, as you read above, the quiz was just only a false alarm!! My reaction was a mixture of "WHAT! I already studied hard..." and "YEHEY! no quiz !". We just discussed how to convert decimal to any base n.

After that we took our lunch, and it was the time for our Database 1 FIRST chapter test. The test was divided into three parts: First, arrange the items in chronological order [it was the easiest]. Second, match  the item to where it belongs [it was the trickiest part of the test!!!]. Lastly, Define the word "Meta-data"[I'm already familiar with it because we used it last semester but I'm not quite sure if I did defined it correctly]. Well, lesson learned! I should have studied harder! But it's not something to grieve about. It was only the  FIRST chapter test and there are still more and when they come I will be more prepared!

And thats about it! Thank you for reading..! 

I almost forgot!!! It's also my FIRST time to post about myself!!! Sorry for the typographical and grammatical errors!! I'm still new with this blogging thing :P Constructive criticisms  are accepted just comment it here!

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